Archives #5 of Photos, Objects and Writings


Photos (P), Objects (O), Writings (W)
Robert, holding a trophy, with Laura Lowell. They won the trophy in a dance contest with a group of deaf and hard of hearing people. (per Laura email of 4/24/04).
Robert with Laura Lowell in parents' living room.
163 Robert with Laura Lowell in parents' dining room with sister-in-law Lorrie. P

Per Laura 4/24/2004 email: the picture above was a New Year's Eve party that we went to in Flushing -lots of people from NTID were there- this was 1980 I think when we went...I was in grad school, and met a friend of mine, Andrea and Peter. This is Peter's parents' house in Flushing. We were going into the year 1981...

Robert, wearing Happy New Years hat, with Laura Lowell, at a party going into 1981. P
165 Robert kissing Laura Lowell in parents' living room. P
166 Robert's ID card from Rochester Institute of Technology- front of card with photo. O
Robert's ID card from Rochester Institute of Technology- back of card with dates including Spring 2003 and Summer 2003. O
Certificate from The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. about official registration that the Francesco Sisca-Sisco Family came to the United States from Acri, Cosenza, Italy. O
The photos #127 through #160 are duplicates of #129 through #160 in Archives #4 and are duplicated in this Archive #5 just to hold places until more photos are added.
Robert in pink sleeveless top during trip to California with Roy Doliner. P
131 Robert next to fish traps in Maine during trip with Tom Connolly. P
132 Robert with friend, Tom Connolly, on a rocky beach. P

Robert standing next to black buggy.

134 Robert at a castle in Europe. P
135 Robert in a plaza in Europe. P
137 Robert with friend standing at top of mountain. P
138 Robert standing with red gloves on top of mountain. P
139 Robert as young adult, smiling. P

Robert with Laura Lowell, his prior girlfiriend, back to back on a tennis court in the sunshine, smiling.

141 Robert with Laura Lowell, his prior girlfiriend, with arms around each other, on a tennis court in the sunshine, smiling. P
142 Robert with Laura Lowell, his prior girlfiriend, side by side, on a tennis court in the sunshine, smiling. P
143 Robert's Diploma dated 5/21/1977 for Associate in Applied Science, College of Science , Rochester Institute of Technology. O
144 Robert's Diploma dated 8/31/1983 for Bachelor of Science, College of Applied Science and Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology, through the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. O
145 Robert's business card for his position as a Package Development Engineer for Best Foods, a division of CPA International, Inc. O

(Per email from Bob Liese on 3/9/2004 -
It was a prom in Rochester either May or June- 1974 -- I assume it was May
or June because that is usually the month when senior proms have it. I don't
remember where exact location was but it was in Rochester,ny. The breakfast sound
great with you and your parents. Please let me know ahead time. Thanks. Bob Liese

Robert with Bob Liese, roommate at Rochester Institute of Technology, and attended as guests the senior high school prom of the 2 girls shown in the photo.  
Robert with clockwise Bob Liese, Dan DiGirolamo, and John Evangelista, at a bowling alley in Queens, NYC on 4/15/1978. P
148 Robert with unidentified girl. P
149 Robert with Kat in a photo booth. P
150 Robert with Kat on a mountain before the end of 2/1977. P

Robert in jumpsuit at a ski mountain. P
152 Robert with several classmates. P
153 Robert with several other classmates P
154 Robert with Laura Lowell before the end of May 1978. P

Robert kissing Laura Lowell, at a pool, before the end of June 1978.


156 Robert with Laura Lowell, toasting. P



Robert, barechested, with Laura Lowell among trees and stones.  


Robert with Laura Lowell in an airport.




Robert with Laura Lowell at an umbrella table. P
160 Robert with Laura Lowell near water with a bridge in the background. P